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Which "google" search will give better results?

Google logo with X mark

What are the effects of climate change or global warming on Thailand?

Google logo with checkmark

"climate change" OR "global warming" thailand

Here's how to craft a better search to get fewer and more relevant results:

  • Identify the main ideas in your research question. These are your keywords
        What are the effects of climate change or global warming on Thailand?
  • Use quotation marks around 2 or more words that need to be together.
         "climate change"  "global warming"
  • Limit your search to a specific domain, such as .edu, .gov, or .org.
           "climate change"  "global warming" thailand 
  • Use nouns, not verbs or prepositions 

More information on Advanced Google and Google Scholar searching

Use Boolean Operators


  • For more precise searching, connect your keywords in a meaningful way using the words ANDOR, and NOT
  • Think of these connecting words as a bridge between keywords or concepts which allows you to narrow or broaden your search.

Try this online tutorial to understand how to use BOOLEAN Operators:



Use Truncation



  • Truncation is also known as wildcard searching
  • It lets you search for a term and variant spellings of that term.

To truncate a search term, do a keyword search in a database or in any web search box but remove the ending of the word and add an asterisk (*) to the end of the word. Results will include every word that begins with the letters you entered.


Example: If you type in the keyword, child* and get results for:

  • child
  • children
  • childrens
  • childhood

Try this online tutorial to understand more about TRUNCATION: click the blue button Truncation






How Wikipedia CAN be useful in the beginning stages of research:

IF a grade B or better, use the article for:

Check mark A basic overview of topic
Check mark Keywords, names, dates
Check mark Table of contents  > sub-topics
Check mark

References and External websites ...

but evaluate them to be sure!

Why and When NOT to use Wikipedia?

 The accuracy and authority questioned--lots of edits suggested

X  Research is missing

X  Biased article

X  Grade C or below

MYP Projects Command Terms

Model Signal Phrases

Know Your Sources

OSLIS Research Tips Videos